Thursday, October 10, 2013

Raw Cashew Nut Inspection/ Raw Cashew Nut Quality Control

Raw Cashew Nut Inspection/ Raw Cashew Nut Quality Control

Raw Cashew Nut Inspection / Raw Cashew Nut Quality Control
Raw Cashew Nut Inspection (RCN Inspection):
AIM Control is Third Party Inspection in providing Raw Cashew Nuts inspection services, testing, quality control, analysis and certification, independent surveyors and inspectors based in Vietnam, China, India, Korea, Asia, Europe, the Middle East Anywhere of Countries. Our Local Email:,, cell: +84903615612.
The kernel: it is mainly consumed roasted and salted. brushed kernels are used in the food industry. The pressing of the kernels gives oiI used to produce cosmetics or in food preparations.
The balm:  also  called  Cashew   Nut  Shell  Liquid  [CNSL],  it has  several   uses  in  the   industry. Extracted  from  the  sheII, this Iiquid is mostIy composed of anacardic acids, it is used, after purification, in  the chemical products manufacturing,  This liquid is dangerous, it can not be handled with bare-hands. Its handling requires use of oil, gloves
The Apple: it is juicy, lightly flavoured, sour and with a Iot of vitannin E. This apple is edible. Juice can be extracted from the apple to produce alcohol, vinegar and sirup.
The Shell: the  empty shelf is used as a fuel to drive the nuts processing.
The Peel or testa: sometimes, they are used either like the shells or to complement Iivestock food.
How many samples must be taken to be sure of the representativeness of the result? This depends on the size of the lot, meaning the number of bags to be examined.
What is important about the sampling?
The sampling is the most important step in calculating outturn, and it has to be done with all cares and the characteristic of a sample are
·            Sample should be well dried (8.5-9% moisture content).
·            Sample should represent the characteristics of the lot.
·            It should be random sample.
It is useful to take a sample in each bag for a better accuracy in the middle of the batch.
The quantity of nuts taken in the entire batch is scraped upon a flat area. the is quantity is the “mother sample”, Then a sample has to be taken for its analyse, The “quarter method" .
Cutting Test & Quality Assess:
Good kernels
Kernels with kidney shape, matured and can be consumed in totality
Spotted kernel:
Kernels bearing dark or black spots, a part of which can be consumed
Premature kernels
Kernels not well developed, shrivelled, light weight, deformed, a part of which can be consumed
Bad/rotten kernels
Kernels which are rotten, mouldy and under developed, any part of which cannot be consumed
Humidified/brown kernels
During storage this turns into bad kernels
Weighing & Out- turn Calculation
Are all weights considered to determine the Out- turn?
Only the good kernels are considered as entirely useful, spotted kernels and premature kernels, peels are also considered but only according to their estimated usefulness. All other kernels are not considered in Out-turn calculation.
Major Producers of Raw Nuts: India, Brazil, Vietnam, West Africa and East Africa
The Countries Producing Cashew Nuts (in alphabetical order): Benin, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Vietnam, Togo, Ghana, Senegal, Madagascar, Burkina faso
Classification Method 1 - Classified according to grades / with or without basing on number of kernel per kilogram
Classification Method 2 – Based on whether the cashew kernel is whole or broken
Technical Requirements for Cashew Kernels
The following are some of the typical technical requirements of cashew kernels that are traded in the various parts of the world:
-     The kernels should be dry and should have the characteristic shape. While depending on the grade they can be either scorched or unscorched, wholes or broken, they should be free from oil (CNSL) and the think outer skin.
-     Cashew kernels should be completely free from living insects, moulds, from rodent contamination and insect damage
-     Cashew kernels should have natural smell, and should be free of rancid or any other unnatural smell
-     Moisture content: The cashew kernels should have moisture content not greater than 5% by weight
Cashew Kernel Preservation
Cashew kernels should be preserved in a dry clean place, far from heat resource. The storage of preservation should be closed, dry clean, free from foreign smell, no insect, rodents
Cashew Kernel Transportation
Cashew kernels should be transported by dry, clean, closed transport facilities that free of foreign smell. The loading operations should be done gently, with care
Cashew Kernel Standards
Cashew kernel standards have been laid down by the following organizations:
  • AFI (Association of Food Industries of New York)
  • TCVN 4850 1998 - Vietnam Cashew Nuts Kernel and Technical Request
  • Grade Specification for Indian cashew Nuts kernel
Raw Cashew Nut Quality Control (RCN QC):
AIM Control is Third Party Inspection in providing Raw Cashew Nuts inspection services, testing, quality control, analysis and certification, independent surveyors and inspectors based in Vietnam, China, India, Korea, Asia, Europe, the Middle East Anywhere of Countries. Our Local Email:,, cell: +84903615612
AIM Control’s Raw Cashew Nut Quality Controls are to providing the independent expertise inspectors and surveyors in raw cash nut (RCN) sampling, raw cash nut (RCN) quality & quantity inspection, raw cash nut (RCN) quality analysis, raw cash nut (RCN) quality testing, raw cash nut (RCN) Q&Q certification.
AIM Control providing of RCN Quality Control scopes
-     raw cashew nut quantity & quality inspection before packing
-     raw cashew nut quantity & quality inspection period of packing
-     raw cashew nut quality pre-shipment inspection
-     raw cashew nut quantity loading supervision
-     raw cashew nut quantity inspection in during discharging
-     sampling and testing of RCN (raw cashew nuts) upon arrival
-      (on KOR, NC, Moisture, Defectives.)
-     raw cashew nut quality samples and quality analysis upon arrival (aflatoxins and ochratoxin)
-     raw cashew nut damage survey/ damage inspection upon arrival
-     raw cashew nut other survey and inspection (as client requirement)
-     Cashew Nuts quality control and Inspection
AIM Control’s RCN (Raw cashew Nuts) quality control in bags 80kg in used jute bags stuffed per container from Some Africa countries to Vietnam, India discharging period at warehouses of buyer factories for purpose:
-     RCN (Raw cashew Nuts) Sampling ( As per AQL or under your requirement) to analysis and store
-     RCN (Raw cashew Nuts) Moisture
-      Nut count
-      KOR [100% good kernels, 50% spot kernels, 50% premature kernels per one kg composite sample]
-     Kernels defect 50%, defect 100% (stunted cashew, mouldy kernels, brow kernels, moth-eaten kernels & empty cashew nuts, others)
-      Random sampling, independent analysis surveyors and as well damage expertise surveyors to control the jobs of RCN in goods and / or in defective condition as the third party inspection in diligent.
-     Not only buyers can not to buy our expertise surveyors by money or
-     Report in time with the photos in details.
-     AIM Control’s expertise surveyors/inspectors how to estimate the QUALITY of raw cashew nuts?
-     The main criteria used by AIM Control are: Outturn (Kernels Output Ratio), Moisture, Nut count and total defective nuts.
-     Quality control of RCN requires skills and strictness of our expertise surveyors/inspectors.
-     Not only AIM Control makes the training of quality controller / surveyors in frequency also listen and understand to the preoccupation of international players and farmers (Bernin, Burkia faso, ivory coast, Ghana & Mozambia, India & Vietnam)
-     Define what are the Kernels, the balm, the apple, the shell & the peel or testa Why/what is the quality control of the RCN necessary?
-     In international trade, Bwt Farmers, interdemediaters, brokers, buyers, insurance and concerning party on the kernels inside the shell.
-     Define what are Outturn, the defective nut rate, the nut count, moisture rate
AIM Control’s steps to control on RCN quality:
Materials & equipment needed to analysis control and to calculate the out-turn
Mother/composite sampling and do composite samples [HOW TO COMPOSE QUARTERS}
Weighing of sample/ samples
Calculation of the nut count (NC)
Cutting to open of the nuts, control of the kernels and classification in three categories (Verification and identifying of good kernels, spotted kernels & premature kernels), also Verification and identifying of stunted cashew, mouldy kernels, brow kernels, moth-eaten kernels & empty cashew nuts, others
Calculation KOR  
Label & Sealing of sample to store (kept for future purposes)
Report & Certificate.
The main objective  of  AIM Control is to improve the production competitiveness of the African Cashew Nuts exporting in the  five  countries [Benin, Burkina  Faso,  lvory Coast,  Ghana  and  Mozambique and others]
Not only AIM Control’s RCN quality control is in success on the world market of players, but also provides Main Procedure and trainings for AIM Control’s RCN expertise surveyors, Inspectors. This is the reason why the AIM Control focuses its activity on support the players of African cashew nuts to meet the quality international standards.
Quality control of Raw Cashew Nut requires skills and strictness, it is one of importance step  in  the  marketing  of  raw cashew  nuts.
Agriculture - Industry - Marine Survey & Inspection Group
Tel     : +84-8-3832-7204
Fax    :  +84-8-3832-8393
Cell.   :  +84903615612
E-mail:  aimcontrol@aimcontrolgroup.
MSN  :
Skype:  aimcontrol